Think Smartgrids’ key missions

In order to promote French smart grid solutions and highlight the sector’s expertise abroad, Think Smartgrids acts on several fronts.

Supporting businesses

To promote French smart grids solutions, The Think Smartgrids Association organises events in France and abroad. Think Smartgrids also supports SMB and ensures the representation of its Members to public authorities and European or international governmental bodies.

Serving the Sector

Simultaneously, Think Smartgrids undertakes a national inventory of the smart grids Sector, and of French demonstrators and showrooms. The association is also developing a catalogue of existing training modules and thesis on smart grids. Lastly, Think Smartgrids communicates on the topics and key issues of the smart grids sector, in France and abroad.

Learn more in our brochure: “Developing smart grids in France and worldwide for a successful energy transition” – August 2019


Think Smartgrids is responsible for:

➤ Federating and developing the smart grids Sector in France ;
➤ Developing international collaborations ;
➤ Representing its members and their accomplishments among the industry’s key stakeholders.