Press Kit

Press Kit Think Smartgrids_2019

Press releases

APUA and Think Smartgrids sign a MoU_May 2021

Election of Marianne Laigneau as President of Think Smartgrids_2020-06-26

Election of VA Lencznar as VP of GSGF-July 2019

Meet the French Smart ecosystem and visit smart grid projets during European Utility Week 2019 in Paris

Think Smartgrids promotes the French sector at the European Utility Week 2016 in Barcelona

Think Smartgrids to promote the French sector at the European Utility Week 2015 (September 17th, 2015)

A new president for the Smartgrids France Réseaux Electriques Intelligents association


Martine SAVARY
Tel. : +33(0)6 64 25 66 59
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