The Think Smartgrids association, drawing from its diversified expertise, its team and its Commissions, provides specific services for its members.

Good support for better communication

1. Are you a SMB? Here’s a good reason to become a member: Think Smartgrids focuses on supporting you, every step of the way.

2. In France and abroad, the association organises the presence of the sector through trade fairs, events, conferences and training seminars, as well as study tours promoted by the national smart grids road map, using the showrooms of demonstrators and members.

3. Think Smartgrids represents the voice of its members to the leaders of the sector, in France, Europe and the around the World.

Pooling research, surveys and intellectual watch

4. Think Smartgrids conducts surveys and research on themes relating directly or indirectly to the interests of its members.

5. The association carries out intellectual watch on behalf of its members, and contributes to the identification of business opportunities, and in particular those relating to the network of economic assignments and international members (within the rules of law and competition).


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