
ThinkSmartgrids promote the French smart grids sector at the World Efficiency Congress

Published 23 Octobre 2015

As part of the World Efficiency Show and Congress for resource and climate solutions held at Porte de Versailles, the ADEME-NEDO has organised a public seminar for French-Japanese exchanges on the 13th of October.

The two organisations, bound by a cooperation agreement, wanted to promote and encourage common and international projects by tackling the numerous topics surrounding the creation and development of smart grids: most notably, new storage and communication technologies, new regulation methods, etc.

Managing Director of the ThinkSmartgrids association Valérie-Anne Lencznar seized this opportunity to present its new organisation as well as the development of the French smart grid sector for the participants in attendance: Ademe, Nedo, Grand Lyon, IEE, Toshiba, Bouygues Immobilier, Proxiway, ERDF, EDF, Veolia and Energy Pool. This meeting allowed for fruitful exchanges about the current questions and innovations in the sector, for France or across the world.